About Us

Delivering financial innovation for businesses, individuals and developers.

Finexer Mission

Build the ideal platform to manage cashflow

Finexer enables businesses to access clients' bank accounts and initiate payments on their behalf, but without the headache of PSD2 compliance and spending much time on coding.

With a strong and experienced team, Finexer works with leading technology partners worldwide to enable its platform to remain robust and highly available.

We believe that success can only come from working together, which is why we listen to and understand your feedback to implement new features to help meet your business' needs.

You can be up and running, and start streamlining your KYC and AML processes before you know it, removing the barriers your business faces with compliance and development, to help enable growth.

Our support specialists are available 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you’re never left in the dark with the problems you’re facing. As software is cloud-based it is available 24/7 with 99.99% of SLA.

Who We Are

A fast-paced recognized financial payment institution that leverage its resources and capabilities to enable innovation in financial industry. Our suite of products provides solutions to our clients that help them accept payments, and access real-time data from financial institutions.

We are a team with extensive experience in finances and solid background in developing innovative software solutions. We are committed to helping your business, simplify development work, while increasing the functionality available at the same time.

What We Do

There are three main problems encountered when integrating banking systems: complexity, compliance, and resource-intensive processes integrating with legacy infrastructure. Here at Finexer, we believe that this process should be straightforward.

We’ve developed a B2B and Bank-to-Bank technological solution based on the latest Open Banking technology, that enable our clients to access millions of bank accounts across Europe, and make payments to bank accounts using bank details such as IBAN, or sort code and account number - just like any other transfer.

Our Locations and Team

Our team is made up of highly skilled individuals who have many years of experience, in a variety of areas.
By working together they ensure Finexer remains secure, robust and in-keeping with current technology.

London Office

219 Kensington High Street,
W8 6BD